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American Councils for International Education – Romania

American Councils for International Education – Romania

American Councils Romania s-a deschis aplicatiile pentru editia a patra a proiectului Elie Wiesel Study Tour, dedicat studentilor intre 18-26 de ani care sunt pasionati de istorie si drepturile omului. Proiectul contine o excursie prin Romania, Polonia, Slovacia si Ungaria si este gratis pentru participanti.

It’s here! The applications for the fourth edition of the Elie Wiesel Study Tour are now open! You can find the application form at the following link:…/elie-wiesel-study…/apply-here/

We are looking for students with the ages between 18-26 who are passionate about history, the Holocaust and human rights. We aim to provide you with a comprehensive course and experience which will inspire you to become a better citizen. This year we are happy to announce that we are expanding our program: both in scope and in reach. The 2020 participants will get a three-week online course between 17th August – 04th of September (two or three days per week) and they will also get to experience the physical Study Tour through Romania, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary in January-February of 2021.

More info here:

The Elie Wiesel Study Tour is a program sponsored by the @U.S. Embassy in Romania, implemented by American Councils for International Education – Romania, and with the support of the Embassy of Israel in Romania, the National Institute “Elie Wiesel” for the Study of the Holocaust and the Tei Sports Center.
